We are committed to learning and living the scriptures at LHNC. We want to create an environment of trust and vulnerability where men and women can grow together in their walk with Jesus Christ. We have found that small discipleship groups are best for this type of intimate growth and fellowship. We realize that scheduling may be an issue so we are committed to forming new groups that are sensitive to both time and location. Our goal is to form several groups that cater to the needs of the individuals of our church and community. We currently have men's and women's discipleship groups meeting throughout Richmond.
Women’s Groups Men’s Groups
Monday Wednesday
Leader: Sophia - sthomas@leadps.org Leader: Justin - jscquake@yahoo.com
6:00pm via Zoom 2:00pm at LHNC
Wednesday Wednesday
Leader: Tammy - doellstedt@sbcglobal.net Leader: Pastor Dave - pastordave@lhnchurch.org
6:00pm at LHNC (childcare provided) 6:00am at LHNC (childcare provided)
Leader: Mary - maryriley@lhnchurch.org
6:00pm via Zoom
*If none of these days/times work for your schedule or if you would like to get involved with one of the above groups, please email Pastor Dave @ pastordave@lhnchurch.org